Friday, January 20, 2017

In my Family Relations class, we learned about family rules and boundaries. The rules in my own family consist of reading scriptures, doing chores, feeding the animals. Those are some common rules families seem to have. Rules and boundaries help a family remain more stable. I know that families that let their kids be free and do what they want tend to be more chaotic. Children in a home love the sense of security and boundaries. there is another set of boundaries that is related more to personal space. Between a couple, there could be walls that separate each other from coming closer together. We did a scenario where a man, his wife, and their son went to counseling. Their son had a problem with asthma and it brought a lot of stress into the family and into the little boy's life. The therapist did his best to bring down the boundaries/walls that the family had. He had them be open with their feelings for one another, and he made them feel comfortable. One particular technique that he had the family do was to comfort each other physically during their son's asthma attack. It brought them closer together and helped their son during his asthma attack. I thought the scenario was super fun and interesting! If there are any conflicts within a relationship, talk about it and be open with each other. IT can really help to bring down boundaries/walls.
none of us marry perfection we marry potential, marry potential, robert d. hales quotes, lds quotes, marriage quotes, lds quotes on marriage, lds apostle quotes, lds apostle quotes on marriage

There are many myths related to marriage and family relations. I've always liked this quote in regards to marriage. I feel a lot of people expect the person they marry to be perfect. No one is perfect. It's always better to look at the good in someone and to overlook mistakes they make. No one is "the best" or "your soulmate". Simply look at the potential of the person and believe that it will all work out. 

Within family relations, people might also think that their relationships with their children, spouses, and siblings should be perfect. That is not true. I know that my own family is pretty great. But we are not perfect. We have to learn to get along and do the best we can with what we've got. 

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