Sunday, January 21, 2018

Gospel Topic: 3 Separate Beings.

This week in my class we read in the new testament. Some thing s that stuck out to me was when John the Baptist was baptizing Jesus. It seems obvious to me that God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are 3 separate beings. You have Jesus going into the water, God speaking from above, and a dove flying around during the baptism that represents the holy ghost. I talked to a lot of people during my mission about the Trinity and it was all just so confusing. I like how Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ as 2 separate beings. It made our way of discussing the Godhead much easier. It just seems more logical. There are many scriptures as well that prove that Jesus and God are separate beings. But for some reason, people still believe that they are all one. I know that there are a few scriptures that seem to mention God being one, and some creed made that doctrine official hundreds of years ago. But I just wish people would be able to open their hearts more to the possibility of God being separate.

Related Gospel Topic: Missionary Work

I served my mission in the Canada Toronto Mission. It was probably one of the hardest things that I have ever done. I remember thinking to myself "there has got to be a better way to spread the gospel instead of knocking on doors all day." Because most of the converts you get from knocking on doors are also on welfare. That's what it seems at least in my experience. I know that we are some of the few churches to go out and spread the message of Jesus Christ and the only church to spread the message of the restored gospel. So it makes what we do very important for everyone to come and hear the message. There are a few things that are being done right now to hasten the work like facebook, and social media. But I wish that there was more. I wonder what missionary work will be like in 30 years. Will we keep knocking on doors? Will all missions be paid for by tithing money? Will we not do missionary work the traditional way and just do missionary work from our computers? there is a lot of room for more possibilities on how to hasten the work. I'm curious what the church has in store for the next 30 years.