Friday, February 17, 2017

Transitions into marriage

In class this week we discussed transitioning into marriage. Some of the major things that a couple goes through in adjusting to marriage boundaries. I would think that a difficult part would be to leave your friends behind after you get married. I wouldn't want my wife to continue to talk to boys she knew before our marriage. If she did though, She would have to run by anything that she would think is questionable to communicate to someone of the opposite sex. It is better in my mind, to have a marriage have appropriate tight boundaries rather than lenient loose boundaries. Other aspects of a marriage transition that might be hard would be having to deal with the in-laws. You don't want to spend too much time with them and you don't want to not spend not enough time with them. It's important to find a balance. Many people think that its ok to talk to your family about personal trial or problems you might be going through. So the spouse might tell their mom or dad about their husband's drinking habit or how bad of a day at work their husband had. When the husband wouldn't want other people to know about that stuff about his life even if it is family members that would know.
Before a couple gets married, they should have some serious sit-down meetings about what is ok and what is not ok when they get married. That way there won't be any surprises when they get married and there would be fewer problems.

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